
The first and most important thing to decide is definitely the WEDDING COLOR!! It is hard to proceed with the rest without it, ex. decoration, flower, utensils, wedding favours, invitation...etc. Everything should be based on the wedding color combo. Here's something to keep in mind, I gave up my previous desired color palette after I read this from 


No. 1 Principle: Coordinate your wedding colors with the venue rather than fight it. Design your color palette for your wedding using the colors you already have available, even if they are ugly colors...


Even with that said, I still have to complain about the colors of my wedding venue. It's such a nice hotel, but...dark purple x dark red? Not to mention the yellowish backdrop of the stage...

YD carpet color 2.jpg     YD carpet color.jpg    

YD stage color.jpg


YD stage curtian wall color.jpg    

...what's done is done, I'm still going to have to work around purple... 

Pairing purple with another cool color, ex. blue, makes the whole venue really gloomy and therefore lacks the warmth and happiness one should feel at a wedding:


purple x blue.jpg  blue x purple decor.jpg  blue x purple decor 2.jpg  blue x purple decor 3.jpg I'm just going to have to give up my dream color combo: blue x pearl white x orange. I just can't fit purple in there! The best color to pair with purple is probably pink. I would say it is purple's best friend: 

  purple x pink.jpg

Purple x pink is too commonly seen in Taiwan and therefore lacks uniqueness.  After given it a careful thought, the color BLUSH came to my mind. It's my new favourite color after seeing Vera Wang's blush dresses. So soft and elegant! I have decided to pair BLUSH with a color from the shade of purple family. It allows me to add some uniquness but at the same time not deviate too far from the venue color.



There I have it! My wedding color combo: Classic Blush x Cream x Mauve x Charcoal

Everything will mostly be in blush and ivory with a slight touch of mauve and charcoal so that I can really "light up" the venue and add a splash of romance to the wedding. The purple carpet is gloomy enough already. 

So here are some samples:

  blush 2.jpg  blush 3.jpg  blush 4.jpg  blush 6.jpg  blush 7.jpg   blush 8.jpg     

So dreamy! I think I can live with this  ...

Now all I have to think about is how to mute that yellowish backdrop...


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